Click on the name of the hotel to see the map with the walking route.

If there is no map, the distance is too far and we advise you to take a taxi to Rothschild Boulevard 22.

65 Hotel Rothschild Boulevard 22
A23 Dizengoff Street 155 Bus Stop
Abraham Hostel Rothschild Boulevard 22
Alberto by Isrotel Rothschild Boulevard 22
Alexander Hotel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Alma Hotel Rothschild Boulevard 22
Artplus HaYarkon Street 90A Bus Stop
Assemblage Boutique Hotel HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Bachar House Rothschild Boulevard 22
Backstage Dizengoff Street 93 Bus Stop / Dizengoff Square
Bell Boutique and Spa Hotel HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Berdichevsky Rothschild Boulevard 101 Bus Stop / Sheinkin Street
BLUE SEA MARBLE HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Brown Beach House HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Brown TLV Rothschild Boulevard 22
BU 93 Hostel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
BY 14 HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Carlton Hotel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Carlton Ritz Herzliya Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Carmel Star Hotel HaKovshim Street 50 Bus Stop
Center Chic Hotel Dizengoff Street 93 Bus Stop / Dizengoff Square
Cinema Hotel Dizengoff Street 93 Bus Stop / Dizengoff Square
Crown Plaza TLV Beach Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Crown Plaza TLV City Rothschild Boulevard 22
Cucu Hotel Dizengoff Street 93 Bus Stop / Dizengoff Square
Dan Panorama HaKovshim Street 50 Bus Stop
Dan Panorama HaKovshim Street 50 Bus Stop
Dan Tel Aviv HaYarkon Street 90A Bus Stop
Dave Downtown Son of a Brown Rothschild Boulevard 22
Dave Gordon – Son of a Brown hotel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Dave Levinsky – Son of a Brown Rothschild Boulevard 22
David Inter Continental HaKovshim Street 50 Bus Stop
Demar Rothschild Boulevard 22
Diaghliev Rothschild Boulevard 101 Bus Stop / Sheinkin Street
Dizengoff Avenue Hotel Dizengoff Street 155 Bus Stop
Dizengoff Suites hotel Dizengoff Street 155 Bus Stop
Embassy HaYarkon Street 90A Bus Stop
Fabric Hotel Rothschild Boulevard 22
Galileo HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Gilgal HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
HaYarkon Hostel HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Herods Hotel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Hilton Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Hotel 75 Rothschild Boulevard 22
House of Palms Rothschild Boulevard 22
Indigo (Ramat Gan) Rothschild Boulevard 22
Ink Hotel Rothschild Boulevard 101 Bus Stop / Sheinkin Street
Inta Hotel Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
Isla Hotel Rothschild Boulevard 22
Isrotel Tower HaYarkon Street 90A Bus Stop
Jacob Samuel Dizengoff Street 155 Bus Stop
Jo Shtibel hotel Rothschild Boulevard 101 Bus Stop / Sheinkin Street
Jojo Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
Joseph Hotel  Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
Kempinski HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Kings Rooftop Studios Ben Zion Boulevard Bus Stop / King George Street
LALA Boutique Hotel Rothschild Boulevard 22
Leonardo Gordon Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Lighthouse HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Lily & Bloom Rothschild Boulevard 22
Link Hotel & Hub Ben Zion Boulevard Bus Stop / King George Street
Market House Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
Maxim HaYarkon Street 90A Bus Stop
Mayer House Dizengoff Street 93 Bus Stop / Dizengoff Square
Melody Hotel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Metropolitan HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Molcho Neve Tzedek Rothschild Boulevard 22
Montefiori Rothschild Boulevard 22
Muse Hotel HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Ness Hotel HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Nordoy Rothschild Boulevard 22
Numa Hotel Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
NYX Rothschild Boulevard 22
Old Jaffa Hostel Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
Oliver Rothschild Boulevard 22
Orchid HaYarkon Street 90A Bus Stop
Pink & Blondie ApartHotel – by Loginn Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
Pixel, Rav Reines 6 Dizengoff Street 93 Bus Stop / Dizengoff Square
Play Hotel Midtown Ben Zion Boulevard Bus Stop / King George Street
Port & Blue Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Port Hotel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Port Tower Isrotel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Prima City HaYarkon Street 90A Bus Stop
Prima Tel Aviv HaYarkon Street 90A Bus Stop
Prima Tel Aviv Hotel HaYarkon Street 90A Bus Stop
Reines 5 Dizengoff Street 93 Bus Stop / Dizengoff Square
Renaissance Hotel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Rothschild 22 Rothschild Boulevard 22
Royal Beach HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Sam & Blondi Rothschild Boulevard 101 Bus Stop / Sheinkin Street
Saul Ben Zion Boulevard Bus Stop / King George Street
Sea Executive Suites HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
Selina Tel Aviv Beach Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
Shalom Hotel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Shenkin Hotel Rothschild Boulevard 101 Bus Stop / Sheinkin Street
Sheraton Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Soho House Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
Spot Hostel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
Tal Hotel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156
The Drisco Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
The Jaffa Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
The Lusky HaYarkon Street 90A Bus Stop
The Montefiori 16 Rothschild Boulevard 22
The Norman Rothschild Boulevard 101 Bus Stop / Sheinkin Street
The Poli House Rothschild Boulevard 22
The Rothschild 71 Rothschild Boulevard 22
The Rothschild Hotel Rothschild Boulevard 101 Bus Stop / Sheinkin Street
The Savoy HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
The Savoy HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
The Setai Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
The Vera Rothschild Boulevard 22
The White House Dizengoff Street 93 Bus Stop / Dizengoff Square
Theodor Brown Hotel Rothschild Boulevard 22
TLV 88 HaYarkon Street 90A Bus Stop
Townhouse Hotel Rothschild Boulevard 22
Ultra Hotel HaYarkon Street 90A Bus Stop
Vital Rothschild Boulevard 22
White Villa Ben Zion Boulevard Bus Stop / King George Street
Wom Allenby HaYarkon Street 52 Bus Stop
WOM Beach Tash & Tasha Cafe / Hatachana – Old Train Station
Yam Hotel Leonardo Beach HaYarkon Street 156

Hotel list and pick up locations PDF